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"Tetris Effect” Your Time: Time Management Lessons from Tetris

David Frandsen

The “Tetris effect” refers to a phenomenon where individuals who spend a lot of time playing Tetris (or similar games) begin to see the game’s patterns in their everyday lives. After extended gameplay, players might visualize Tetris blocks in real-world objects or find themselves thinking about how to fit tasks and activities into their day like they would fit blocks together. This effect can extend beyond Tetris, highlighting how immersive experiences can influence perception, behavior, and thought processes in daily life.


Time management to me often feels like a game of Tetris. Each piece that falls represents different activities and responsibilities I juggle daily. Just as in Tetris, the goal is to utilize and stack these pieces efficiently to avoid blank spaces, maximizing our productivity, and achieving our objectives.


In Tetris, players must adapt to the shapes of the falling blocks. Similarly, our daily tasks—sleep, work, exercise, socializing, and leisure—come in various forms and sizes. Some are large, like work projects that require significant blocks of time, while others are smaller, like quick exercise routines or short social interactions. The key is to fit these pieces together in a way that optimizes our time.


While playing Tetris, leaving gaps can hinder progress and lead to failure. In our lives, these gaps might manifest as unproductive time—moments wasted on distractions or procrastination. By proactively planning our schedules and prioritizing tasks, we can minimize these gaps. For instance, combining errands with social outings or scheduling workout sessions during breaks can help ensure every piece of time is accounted for.


To maximize points in Tetris the most effective strategy is to clear out four lines at once.  Ideally players keep an open vertical column (the “well”) on one side of the board open.  This allows you to drop the I-shaped block for a Tetrises.  This means that players should stack the pieces as flat as possible, avoiding peaks that can create gaps.


Now, consider the Tetris stick (I-shaped block), the coveted piece that can clear entire rows. In our time management game, this stick represents strategic decisions or high-impact activities that significantly boost our productivity. For example, dedicating focused time to deep work or pursuing skill development can lead to substantial gains, similar to how clearing a line in Tetris provides a rush of points.


The best Tetris players and time managers are always aware of the pieces that are coming next.  Thinking ahead helps us make quicker decisions and sets up your stack for future plays.  When we view our time in this same way, we can cleanly stack our time and get more done.  When we are deliberate about not leaving wasteful gaps while preserving open space for high-value activities, is when we will find the highest performance levels.   


By inserting these high-value activities into our schedules, we can maximize our output. Whether it's an intensive work session, a networking opportunity, or a targeted learning experience, these “Tetris sticks” can help us clear clutter and advance toward our goals more effectively. Large chunks of time also allow us to achieve the mental state of flow where we become completely absorbed in an activity.  This state is where we experience heightened focus and optimal performance.


When we view our time management like a game of Tetris, the “Tetris effect” takes over.  We will constantly be thinking about ways to better fit the things we need to get done together. We will become better at thinking ahead, and structure our days better.


In essence, managing our time like a game of Tetris involves careful planning, adaptability, and strategic decision-making. By efficiently stacking our daily activities and creating space for high-impact tasks, we can create a harmonious flow that maximizes our productivity and minimizes wasted time. Just as in Tetris, where the right moves lead to success, mastering our time can lead us to a more fulfilling and balanced life. So, let’s play wisely, fill those gaps, and aim for those Tetris sticks!




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