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Communication Bottlenecks and Bottle Caps

David Frandsen

In vehicular traffic a bottleneck is a very localized disturbance of traffic based on a very specific physical condition, usually a car accident site, construction zone or even slowly moving vehicles can create this disruption in the flow of traffic.  This temporary and impactful point of congestion will prevent the ability of vehicles to travel at their desired speed, and can lead to frustration for everyone caught behind whatever is causing it.

Choke points are a different form of bottle neck that occurs when something like infrastructure or geography limits the flow of traffic.  For example, a road with two lanes that merge into a single lane that cannot handle the large amount of traffic as the two lanes are joined into one.  Choke points are a more permanent fixture that requires a more complex solution as they are nearly always related to bigger problems.   

The term “bottleneck” is in reference to the narrowest point of a bottle that restricts the flow of liquid.  In the world of business, a bottleneck is also a point of congestion that creates a log jam, and it is usually dependent on the production line, supply chain or people problems.  Communication bottlenecks occur the same way, when something is restricting the flow of information from where it needs to go.      

As a younger employee I remember being frustrated at management decisions.  I struggled to understand reasons behind choices made, and more than anything, I felt frustration towards the lack of accountability on certain employees whom I believed were underperforming.  As my career progressed, I began to understand some of the communication problems that were in play in these situations.  Most often because important information had not flowed through the proper channels, and, in some of those situations, it was my fault!

Temporary communication bottlenecks are usually accidental; something was misunderstood, or direction could have been clearer.  However, communication choke points happen when employees or managers are the fixture that is intentionally regulating or completely stopping the flow of information from where it needs to get to make our organizations better.  As I look back at the younger version of myself I was a bottle cap with information that had supervisors been made aware of they may have been able to do something to correct the issue.

So how do we build organizations that allow information to properly flow up and down and throughout the organization?  How do we avoid log jams, congestion or complete stoppage of information flow?  Here are a few things we have tried to do in our organization:       

Communicate more often.  Like that annoying commercial jingle that gets stuck in your head internal messages need to be repeated over and over again.  We have a daily meeting at the beginning of each day that allows us the opportunity to directly give our employees messages.  In marketing they call it the “Rule of 7” and it states that a message needs to be heard at least seven times before it is understood.  This hits on the importance of repeated exposure to improve recognition and retention from our people.  Don’t assume that someone understood what you have asked of them, especially if you only told them once.        

Build more roads.  I have been guilty of telling employees to move information up and down the chain of command and I do feel it is important for employees to deal with their direct supervisor when they can. However, there are times that alternate routes need to be used.  Employees should be comfortable taking different roads for moving information upward, and management should find more than one road to send the information downward.  We have established a Leadership Council voted on by their ­­­peers that come to administration with concerns and requests and they are able to do it without singling out employees.  We also do departmental meetings and build into the agenda a chance for employees to raise concerns and have their voice be heard. 

Create a Feedback Loop.  Understanding the feedback loop is important and it starts with giving direction and then opens up communication between managers and employees.  Research has shown that employees who are receiving meaningful feedback are more engaged.  This also removes bottlenecks as the feedback loop process requires constant communication and clarification.   Please see my full article on Feeback Loops.

Employee Check-Ins.  Be intentional about meeting with your employees one-on-one.  These meetings first and foremost add value because you can develop a meaningful relationship.  My main objective is to try to make it about them as an individual and doing this helps build engagement and trust, the two things that seem to be at the core of every internal problem.  Chance conversations and meetings around the drinking fountain are great, but scheduled, intentional, one-on-one meetings are the best way to let your people know you care and value their insights and perspective.     

When I have failed as a communicator both as a supervisor and an employee it has been when I wasn’t doing these things well.  As a leader when I am asking questions and seeking out opinions of those I have the privilege of serving our organization seems to operate and function much smoother.  As an employee when I feel able to communicate my opinion and feel heard, I feel valued.  When a supervisor is proactive in asking my opinion I feel trusted, appreciated and respected.

Communication needs to be an active process between both the transmitter and the recipients.  The recipients need to be able to be collaborative and ask more questions and leadership needs to listen.  Leadership needs to communicate regularly and repetitively to give people a chance to fully digest what we are telling them.  Our organizations are consumed by communication and there is no way around it. Improving our communication skills and creating the opportunities for people to express their thoughts, ideas and concerns in a safe space will only enhance the workplace experience for everyone. 

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